About me... what about me?
There are two voices in my head, one that believes that every human emotion can be described in a meme and the other one that believes that emotions are their most beautiful when described in words. This is how I go about every brief, mixing digital nuances with my love of words. I'm driven by my nostalgia, wanting to create the type of ads that bring families together and the world to a halt with humour and South Africanism.
I'm a lover of all things veganism and fitness, starting my days off with a run to get the imagination flowing and ready for writing. I dabble in podcasting in my spare time because I love to hate the sound of my own voice and appreciate the ways it encourages me to read outside of my preferences. I'm an avid reader and believe that every book, no matter how bad should be finished to give a fair critique, the same goes for movies, especially A24 films.